15+ Inspirational Robert C. Maynard Quotes on Diversity and Inclusion (JOURNALISM)

Here is the Inspirational Robert C. Maynard Quotes on Diversity and Inclusion (JOURNALISM) post to download, share and can be send the Quotes Images. Robert C. Maynard’s life and career were marked by a relentless commitment to journalism, diversity, and social justice. He emerged as a trailblazer in the field, breaking down barriers and reshaping the landscape of American journalism.

Born in Brooklyn, New York, Maynard faced the challenges of racial discrimination from an early age. Raised by a single mother in a housing project, he rose above adversity to become a respected journalist and advocate for change. His passion for journalism and the power of a free press in a democratic society was unwavering.

Robert C. Maynard may have passed away in 1993, but his legacy endures, inspiring journalists, advocates for diversity, and those who believe in the power of journalism to drive positive social change. His life’s work continues to be a beacon, encouraging the pursuit of truth, diversity, and justice in the world of media and beyond. May his story serve as a reminder of the transformative potential of individuals who dare to challenge the status quo and strive for a more inclusive and just society.

Robert C. Maynard Info.

Full NameRobert Clyve Maynard
Date of BirthJune 17, 1937
Place of BirthBrooklyn, New York, USA
ProfessionJournalist, Newspaper Editor, Publisher
Notable WorkBecame the first African American owner and publisher of a major metropolitan newspaper
LegacyAdvocate for diversity and social justice in journalism; transformed the Oakland Tribune
Early LifeRaised by a single mother in a housing project; struggled against racial discrimination
Educational BackgroundGraduated from Long Island University
Career HighlightsWorked for The Washington Post and The New York Times before joining the Oakland Tribune
AchievementsReceived numerous awards for his contributions to journalism and civil rights
Social ImpactHelped diversify newsrooms and empower minority voices in journalism
Passion for JournalismCommitted to the importance of a free press in a democratic society
DeathPassed away on August 17, 1993, but his legacy continues to inspire journalists and advocates for diversity
Note: This table provides a concise overview of Robert C. Maynard’s life, career, and significant impact on the field of journalism and civil rights.

15+ Most Impactful Robert C. Maynard Quotes (BEST)

I take from Lovejoy’s life, and from his death, a clear and simple message. He felt blessed to have been born an American, and to have had many privileges.

– Robert C. Maynard
We incarcerate three times as many young black American men as we graduate from colleges and universities.
We incarcerate three times as many young black American men as we graduate from colleges and universities.

It is in seeing ourselves whole that we can begin to see ways of working out our differences, of understanding our similarities and of finally forming the cohesive nation that can one day experience the ‘domestic tranquility’ so hoped for by the framers of the Constitution. – Robert C. Maynard

The purpose of journalism is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
The purpose of journalism is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

The job of the press is to inform, to criticize, to arouse, to provide context, to analyze, to entertain and to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas. – Robert C. Maynard

The press is the watchdog of democracy.
The press is the watchdog of democracy.

The first thing journalism is about is accuracy and fairness, but that’s not enough. It has to be about context, it has to be about depth, it has to be about understanding. – Robert C. Maynard

Our goal is to give all Americans front door access to the truth.
Our goal is to give all Americans front door access to the truth.

This country cannot be the country we want it to be if its story is told by only one group of citizens. Our goal is to give all Americans front door access to the truth. – Robert C. Maynard

Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a crusade for truth.
Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a crusade for truth.

Journalism is not just a job, it is a public trust. We have a responsibility to report the truth, to be fair and accurate, to be independent and fearless, and to hold those in power accountable.

– Robert C. Maynard

The country’s greatest achievements came about because somebody believed in something, whether it was in a steam engine, an airplane or a space shuttle.

– Robert C. Maynard
If you’re not ready to die for it, take the word ‘freedom‘ out of your vocabulary.
If you’re not ready to die for it, take the word ‘freedom‘ out of your vocabulary.

Only when we lose hope in great possibilities are we really doomed. Reversals and tough times inspire some people to work harder for what they believe in. – Robert C. Maynard

Human rights rest on human dignity. The dignity of man is an ideal worth fighting for and worth dying for.
Human rights rest on human dignity. The dignity of man is an ideal worth fighting for and worth dying for.

If you want to be a journalist, you have to believe in the power of journalism to do good and the power of truth to prevail over all else. – Robert C. Maynard

The most important part is keeping our eyes on the master metaphor of the Fault Line.
The most important part is keeping our eyes on the master metaphor of the Fault Line.

The society is split along five faults, and we try in vain to paper them over, fill them in or pretend they aren’t there. [These] underlying forces, like those in the center of the earth, will thwart us until we come to see our differences as deep, but completely natural things, as natural as geologic fault lines. We don’t have to resolve our differences. We can agree to disagree.

– Robert C. Maynard

Thought-Provoking Robert Clyve Maynard

Robert C. Maynard was not just a journalist; he was a trailblazer who championed diversity and social justice in the world of journalism. Maynard’s legacy is best reflected in his historic role as the first African American owner and publisher of a major metropolitan newspaper, the Oakland Tribune. In this role, he championed the cause of diversity and inclusion in newsrooms, empowering minority voices in journalism and advocating for fair and accurate representation.

His journey from working for esteemed publications like The Washington Post and The New York Times to transforming the Oakland Tribune into a platform for social change stands as a testament to his dedication to fair and balanced reporting.

Early Life and the Struggles Against Discrimination

  • Birth in Brooklyn: Born on June 17, 1937, in Brooklyn, New York, Maynard’s early years were marked by challenges, including racial discrimination.
  • Single Mother’s Influence: Raised by a single mother, he drew inspiration from her tenacity and strength.

From Journalist to Publisher

  • Educational Journey: Maynard’s educational journey led him to graduate from Long Island University and embark on a career in journalism.
  • Career Highlights: He worked for esteemed publications like The Washington Post and The New York Times before taking on a transformative role.

A Champion for Diversity and Inclusion

  • Oakland Tribune Transformation: Maynard’s historic role as the first African American owner and publisher of a major metropolitan newspaper, the Oakland Tribune, was a turning point in his career.
  • Advocate for Social Change: He used the platform of the Oakland Tribune to advocate for diversity, inclusion, and social justice, both within the newspaper industry and in society at large.

Legacy and Impact

  • Awards and Achievements: Maynard’s contributions were recognized with numerous awards for his dedication to journalism and civil rights.
  • Empowering Minority Voices: His legacy lives on through the diversification of newsrooms and the empowerment of minority voices in journalism.


Robert C. Maynard’s life and work serve as a testament to the power of journalism in advocating for social change, diversity, and inclusion. His journey, from the struggles of his early life to becoming a pioneering force in journalism, remains an inspiration for all who seek to challenge the status quo and work towards a more inclusive and just society. Maynard’s legacy endures as a beacon for journalists and advocates committed to the transformative potential of the media and the enduring importance of diversity and social justice in our world.

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To Get More Information:

ROBERT C. MAYNARD (1937-1993)BlackPast

Source: Pic Credit – BlackPast, Amazon

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