54+ Top Paul Feig Quotes About Life & Style (SMILING)

Paul Feig Quotes: Paul Feig, an American filmmaker, actor, and producer, has become synonymous with modern comedic cinema, known for his distinct style and penchant for crafting hilarious and heartfelt narratives. Born on September 17, 1962, in Mount Clemens, Michigan, Feig’s career spans across film and television, with a particular focus on comedic storytelling. As a director, he has helmed successful and critically acclaimed comedies, often featuring strong ensemble casts and a refreshing take on genre conventions. In addition to his directorial work, Feig has also made notable contributions as an actor, writer, and producer, solidifying his status as a creative force in the entertainment industry.

Paul Feig Info.

Full NamePaul Samuel Feig
Date of BirthSeptember 17, 1962
Place of BirthMount Clemens, Michigan, USA
OccupationFilmmaker, Actor, Producer
Directorial BreakthroughGained recognition for directing the hit comedy film “Bridesmaids” (2011)
Notable FilmsDirected successful comedies such as “Spy” (2015), “Ghostbusters” (2016), and “A Simple Favor” (2018)
Television ContributionsCreated the critically acclaimed TV series “Freaks and Geeks” (1999–2000)
Comedic CollaborationsFrequently collaborates with actresses like Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig, forming successful creative partnerships
Acting RolesAppeared in various films and TV shows, including memorable roles in “Knocked Up” (2007) and “Sabrina, the Teenage Witch” (1996–1997)
Production VenturesFounded the production company Feigco Entertainment
AuthorshipAuthored books such as “Supermodel You” and “Kick Me: Adventures in Adolescence”
Cultural ImpactRecognized for his contributions to reshaping the landscape of modern comedic cinema with diverse and female-led narratives
Paul Feig
Pic Credit: Paul Feig

Top 10 Paul Feig Quotes (BEYOND)

Paul Feig Quotes: You want a happy ending, but not such a ridiculous happy ending that it doesn’t mean anything to anybody.
You want a happy ending, but not such a ridiculous happy ending that it doesn’t mean anything to anybody. – Paul Feig

I always hated high-school shows and high-school movies, because they were always about the cool kids. It was always about dating and sex, and all the popular kids, and the good-looking kids. And the nerds were super-nerdy cartoons, with tape on their glasses. I never saw ‘my people’ portrayed accurately. – Paul Feig

Paul Feig Quotes: With a suit, even if you’re having a nervous breakdown, you still look like you’re in charge.
With a suit, even if you’re having a nervous breakdown, you still look like you’re in charge. – Paul Feig

What I don’t like is when I see stuff that I know has had a lot of improv done or is playing around where there’s no purpose to the scene other than to just be funny. What you don’t want is funny scene, funny scene, funny scene, and now here’s the epiphany scene and then the movie’s over. – Paul Feig

Paul Feig Quotes: Why is a movie starring women considered a gimmick and a movie starring men is just a normal movie
Why is a movie starring women considered a gimmick and a movie starring men is just a normal movie? – Paul Feig

Where there seems to be a difference between guys being nuts and women being nuts is that guys are much more open in calling each other on stuff; lots of insults and dirty names. Whereas women will talk frankly and honesty, but there also seems to be more passive aggressiveness. – Paul Feig

Paul Feig Quotes: Whatever you wear, you have to own it. Make it yours.
Whatever you wear, you have to own it. Make it yours. – Paul Feig

As tempting as it seems to wear tennis shoes with your tux, don’t do it. I think it looks ridiculous. If you’re 14 years old, maybe give it a shot. In general, don’t portray anything that says ‘I’m too cool and I don’t care.’ – Paul Feig

You just have to be classy at the end of the day. That doesn’t mean you can’t go with a midnight blue tux. And if you can find a deep red tux that looks classy and classic, I think you can pull it off. – Paul Feig

Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve felt comfortable in a suit. It all started when my mom bought me a three-piece Pierre Cardin suit. I wore that thing everywhere. Eventually I realized I was going to be the kid who got beat up in school, but I kept wearing it. – Paul Feig

Best Quotes By Paul Feig (GHOSTBUSTERS)

What you want is the thing that critics love and audiences love, but that’s the hardest thing to do.
What you want is the thing that critics love and audiences love, but that’s the hardest thing to do. – Paul Feig

Period costume films are fun to discover, but they’re not relatable. It’s more, ‘Wow, that’s cool – did it really look like that back then?’ Whereas with a comedy, you’re like, ‘Yeah, that’s me, that’s my friends.’ No matter what, I want people to relate. – Paul Feig

Throughout my teens, I just wanted to go somewhere I could wear a Donald Duck pin and no one would care.
Throughout my teens, I just wanted to go somewhere I could wear a Donald Duck pin and no one would care. – Paul Feig

The awards world can be ridiculous, but I’m not one to bash it. I love awards! When I’ve been nominated for Emmys and when I won my DGA Award, I couldn’t have been happier. I always liked getting a gold star in class. – Paul Feig

The reason most comedies don’t win awards is that the filmmakers put the comedy first. This means you have to create a story around the jokes.
The reason most comedies don’t win awards is that the filmmakers put the comedy first. This means you have to create a story around the jokes. – Paul Feig
The hard thing is getting people to come to the theater to see something, no matter if it’s good or not.
The hard thing is getting people to come to the theater to see something, no matter if it’s good or not. – Paul Feig

It’s healthy to have older friends. You go, ‘Look, I’m younger than them!’ That’s always the nice thing, if you can be the youngest one in the room at times. Like if you’re always the oldest one in the room, you’ll start to feel like the oldest person in the world. So get older friends, because they’re cool. Get cool older friends. – Paul Feig

The biggest thing I’ve heard for the last four months is, ‘Thanks for ruining my childhood’.
The biggest thing I’ve heard for the last four months is, ‘Thanks for ruining my childhood’. – Paul Feig

As far I’m concerned, being an adult is way more fun than being a kid. But then I was a kid who wanted to be an adult. I’d watch shows like ‘Bewitched’ and see Darren come home and mix a martini and I’d go, ‘That looks awesome! I want to do that!’ – Paul Feig

One of the biggest things you have is your reputation and your reputation with knowing what’s good and what’s not good.
One of the biggest things you have is your reputation and your reputation with knowing what’s good and what’s not good. – Paul Feig

The more suits I owned, the more I realized the best besuited look a man can achieve comes from a harmony of three details: fabric, construction, and fit. If the suit fits you like a glove and it’s well made, you simply feel better about everything in life when you’re wearing it. – Paul Feig

My wife and I don’t have kids and people are down on us about it. But we’re just not wired that way, so don’t tell me I have to.
My wife and I don’t have kids and people are down on us about it. But we’re just not wired that way, so don’t tell me I have to.
My style of comedy is very real and bittersweet, and sort of always on the verge of kind of being tragic.
My style of comedy is very real and bittersweet, and sort of always on the verge of kind of being tragic.

I love funny people, and when I’m with funny people, or people who are amusing in their weirdness, I love it. Because that to me is funny, as opposed to someone who stops and says, ‘Hey let me tell you a joke.’ – Paul Feig

In my years of acting, the one thing I was never able to do convincingly was to laugh on camera. Fake laugh.
In my years of acting, the one thing I was never able to do convincingly was to laugh on camera. Fake laugh.

Whatever makes you laugh is fine, and all we can do as comedy professionals is try to steer you towards something that we think is a little better – but not put you down or just perplex you in the process. – Paul Feig

I was a standup comedian, which is kind of like writing and directing yourself.
I was a standup comedian, which is kind of like writing and directing yourself.

For years, it’s driven me crazy that women don’t have better roles, especially in comedies. I know so many funny women but I always felt… misogynist streak is too strong a term – but a dismissiveness. – Paul Feig

Paul Feig Quotes About Life & Style (BREAKING BARRIERS)

I have an inability to enjoy things, but that’s why we’re in comedy. If we were happy, we wouldn’t be funny, I guess.
I have an inability to enjoy things, but that’s why we’re in comedy. If we were happy, we wouldn’t be funny, I guess.

I’ve always enjoyed people studying themselves in the mirror, and I also enjoy those ‘walk and feel bad’ shots. I like anything that isolates people and focuses them on themselves, or makes us focus on their faces as they’re going through something. – Paul Feig

I always feel in improv that nothing is ever as good once it’s repeated.
I always feel in improv that nothing is ever as good once it’s repeated.

The dueling maturity levels in high school is such a source of comedy to me. I was always such a late developer. I was last to walk. I was last to ride a bike. I was last to have sex. That’s why it’s fun to portray one side of your childhood onscreen. – Paul Feig

Paul Feig Quotes: Every director should take an acting class.
Every director should take an acting class.

If you’re not connected emotionally to a story, then you’re dead. You’re really just opening the door for people to lose interest and their minds to wander, for them to start picking it apart. – Paul Feig

Paul Feig Quotes: Bad women’s comedies are made by men who didn’t consult enough women.
Bad women’s comedies are made by men who didn’t consult enough women.

What I do as a director is really create a safe environment that everyone can feel very comfortable in and experiment within so that they don’t hold back anything. You never ever want someone to go, ‘Oh I shouldn’t have done that.’ There isn’t anything you shouldn’t try. If it’s terrible, who cares? – Paul Feig

Paul Feig Quotes: At the end of the day the question comes, what are you doing for the world You have to try to do something that’s going to add something positive.
At the end of the day the question comes, what are you doing for the world You have to try to do something that’s going to add something positive.

Getting away from a white or light colored tuxedo shirt is always a little dangerous. Certain staples shouldn’t be mixed with. Light pink or blue is not bad, but again, you’re just breaking from a classic.– Paul Feig

Paul Feig Quotes: A lot of comedies fall apart because they just go from joke to joke, and the characters are all sort of being crazy off on their own.
A lot of comedies fall apart because they just go from joke to joke, and the characters are all sort of being crazy off on their own.

Yeah, you know, I like to throw myself on the sword so that others may feel better about themselves. I tell the stories that you all want to forget, but when you remember it, it hopefully makes you laugh. – Paul Feig

Quotes From Paul Feig (THE PEANUTS)

Women’s humor seems to be a little more supportive. It’s just kind of trying to make the other one laugh through funny voices and kind of talking about other people. I respond to that. I feel less like I’m going to get beat up in a room full of women than I do in a room full of guys. – Paul Feig

At the end of the day, successful box office just means that more people saw what you did and liked it, and that to me is the most important thing. That a lot of people saw it and liked it. – Paul Feig

Women comedy is different than men comedy. Guy comedy is very aggressive, it’s about insulting each other, name-calling, and kind of busting each other’s chops, and that’s not what women’s comedy is. – Paul Feig

I love the pictures of Old Hollywood, seeing the directors dressed in suits and ties. Even the grips would be wearing ties. But the biggest thing is when I was a kid, I couldn’t wait to be an adult, and I think what happens with most guys is that no one wants to be an adult anymore. So they’re dressing like kids. – Paul Feig

I’m just always a bit thrown when, in the immediate aftermath of some event which makes us feel like either God’s out to get us or He’s not doing His job as well as He can, we all still get together and continue to ask Him for help. – Paul Feig

I was brought up in a very religious household and did a lot of praying throughout a big part of my life and always thought of God as being not only a powerful father figure and the ruler of all time and dimension but also as a friend with whom I could chat and ask questions to and get advice from. – Paul Feig

I’m not looking for people to bow down to me or do things in my name or even pass around a collection plate for me. I say that I’d like to be God for a while because He really can get away with anything. I mean, ANYTHING. – Paul Feig

God does things that fly completely in the face of what we’ve all been taught that He is supposed to do and every time He does this, we all just say, ‘Oh, well, I guess there must be some good reason why He did that.’ – Paul Feig

Many Republicans have always reminded me of professional W.W.F. wrestlers. They come into the ring all pumped up and acting like they’re invincible and that they’re going to destroy their opponent. Then they get hit once and fall down and roll around in agony and suddenly seem immobilized by pain, calling for the ref to intervene. – Paul Feig

‘Nuclear’ is nothing but trouble. Do you say ‘new-clear’ or do you say ‘nuke-you-ler’? Whoever invented that word had obviously never studied the human mouth. We don’t have enough muscles in our face to make that group of letters come out smoothly. The word is missing a middle syllable, for cryin’ out loud. – Paul Feig

‘Constitutional’ is just a real pip of a word. Positively rolls off the tongue. In fact, it’s downright fun to say. ‘Con-stit-too-shun-al.’ It’s the verbal equivalent of skipping down the street with an ice cream cone in your hand. It’s like a semantic bag of Lays potato chips. You simply can’t just say it once. – Paul Feig

What you never want to do is have a story that doesn’t track emotionally, because then you’re going joke to joke and you’re going to fatigue the audience. The only thing that’s going to string them to the next joke is how successful the previous joke is. – Paul Feig

Everyone takes pause at 40. It’s the age you have to assess everything in your life. It’s the fictitious marker that’s always coming up when you’re young. The world really does look at you to kind of have it together by 40, and be successful by 40. Whatever success means. – Paul Feig

The greatest way for people to experience a comedy is to go in not knowing anything about it. But because of marketing, it’s impossible. Marketing meaning that in order to get people to come you can’t just go, ‘Hey, there’s a great movie – we’re not going to show you anything from it but trust us!’ – Paul Feig

Paul Feig (ACTOR)

Paul Feig stands as a versatile and influential figure in the entertainment industry, known for his contributions as a director, producer, and writer. With a knack for blending comedy and character-driven storytelling, Feig has left an indelible mark on both television and film, showcasing a commitment to diverse and engaging narratives.

Feig gained prominence with his work on television series like “Freaks and Geeks” and “The Office,” where his talent for balancing humor with genuine emotion began to shine. As a film director, he achieved widespread acclaim with comedies such as “Bridesmaids,” “Spy,” and the female-led reboot of “Ghostbusters.” Feig’s films are characterized by strong ensemble casts, clever humor, and a refreshing approach to gender representation in Hollywood.

Beyond his success in directing, Paul Feig has been an advocate for increased diversity in the film industry, particularly in terms of gender and genre. His efforts to provide platforms for talented women in comedy have been notable, contributing to a broader conversation about representation in the entertainment business.

Paul Feig’s impact extends beyond the screen, as he continues to shape the landscape of contemporary comedy with his unique voice and dedication to pushing boundaries. His ability to blend humor with relatable characters has resonated with audiences, solidifying his place as a significant and forward-thinking creator in the world of entertainment.

Paul Feig Net Worth, Family and Age

Here’s the information about Paul Feig:

Full NamePaul Samuel Feig
Age59 years (born September 17, 1962)
Net Worth$40 million
Height6 feet 2 inches (1.88 m)
WifeLaurie Karon (m. 1994–present)
ChildrenNo biological children, but Paul is the stepfather to wife Laurie’s son from a previous marriage

List of Paul Feig Movies

Paul Feig is a filmmaker known for his work in comedy. Here’s a list of movies directed by Paul Feig:

  1. Life Sold Separately (1997) – also writer
  2. I Am David (2003)
  3. Unaccompanied Minors (2006)
  4. Bridesmaids (2011) – also producer
  5. The Heat (2013) – also producer
  6. Spy (2015) – also producer
  7. Ghostbusters (2016)
  8. A Simple Favor (2018)
  9. Last Christmas (2019)
  10. Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021) – also producer


Paul Feig, a creative force in the world of comedy and filmmaking, has established himself as a versatile director, writer, and actor. Known for his distinctive comedic style, Feig has helmed successful projects such as “Bridesmaids,” “Spy,” and the female-led “Ghostbusters” reboot. His ability to blend humor with meaningful storytelling has resonated with audiences worldwide. Beyond his directorial achievements, Feig’s impact extends to acting and producing, contributing to a broader cultural conversation on diversity and inclusion in Hollywood. With an impressive body of work, Paul Feig remains a pivotal figure in shaping the landscape of contemporary comedy and cinematic storytelling.

Book Corner – Amazon

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Source: Pic Credit: Paul Feig, Amazon, CelebrityNetWorth

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